Nutrition information and quick health facts about alternative medicine and holistic health care

Holistic Health Nutrition Facts

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Essential Fatty Acids and Nutrition

What are Essential Fatty Acids? Essential Fatty Acids are fats that must be obtained from our diet. They are called "essential" because our bodies cannot create them. Essential fatty acids are necessary for almost every bodily function.

In terms of the types of fats that we need to include in our diet, essential fatty acids top the list. Because essential fatty acids assist in controlling cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure, they play a major role in reducing the overall risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attacks.

essential fatty acids  - heart disease arthritis diabetes cholesterol prevention
Additionally, essential fatty acids help fight inflammation, arthritis, infection, auto-immune disorders, diabetes and depression. Furthermore, they have been shown to be beneficial in relieving symptoms associated with vision problems, PMS, and hair / skin disorders.

For additional information about alternative medicine and other nutrition facts:

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Emma Griffin said...

Great blog! I've recently started taking fish oil pills on a daily basis. I've noticed a big difference in my regularity. I have felt much better since taking them. I'm also reading a great book that talks about nutrition and healthy living called It Can Be Done. The author talks about nutritional supplements that can really help you become and stay healthy.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of fatty acid which are necessary for health, and our body can't generate it. So there should be proper health diet. You have provided a helpful information about such types of acid. Thanks for sharing.....)

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