Why Minerals for good health and nutrition? They assist with metabolism and body function. The major minerals required by the body are calcium, chloride, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and sulfur. Important trace minerals include copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc.
Here's how they help:
Calcium: Builds and maintains bone strength, which prevents stress fractures. Builds and maintains teeth, Regulates and relaxes heart function, Assists in muscle growth and contraction. Induces sound sleep.
Iodine: Controls metabolism. Needed for proper thyroid, brain, and nerve function.
Iron: Along with protein, helps form hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs through the blood to the body tissues, which includes the muscles.
Magnesium: Aids in the body's energy production, Combats stress. Assists in bone growth. Helps regulate body temperature. Helps the metabolism of vitamin C and other minerals.
Phosphorus: Helps in almost every chemical reaction in the body, assists in the use of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for energy. Stimulates heart and muscle contractions. Prevents tooth decay.
Potassium: Aids in the conversion of glucose to glycogen. Nourishes the muscles. Stimulates the kidney to get rid of body wastes - balances body fluids. Calms the nerves.
Selenium: Powerful antioxidant. Boosts your immune system and helps protect your body from cancer.
Sodium: Protects nerves. With water, helps retain fluids that counteract dehydration. Helps our bodies produce a thirst sensation so we'll drink more fluids.
Zinc: Helps remove carbon dioxide from exercising muscles. Aids in healing. Boost the immune system. Protects against pollution.
Often may vitamin supplements include minerals as well. To maintain a healthy, holistic lifestyle, make sure your diet contains these key nutrients or add them with nutritional supplements.
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