Nutrition information and quick health facts about alternative medicine and holistic health care

Holistic Health Nutrition Facts

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Heart Disease Risks

Do you know the primary risks of heart disease? Heart disease can come from two sets of factors.

Hereditary Factors for Heart Disease
  • Age
  • Family History
  • Gender

Non-hereditary Factors for Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • High Homocysteine Level
  • Smoking or inhaling passive smoke
  • Stress
The hereditary factors for heart disease are pre-determined and can not be avoided. However, the non-hereditary factors are completely in your control. Take care of our heart and it will take care of you.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Heart Disease, Inflammation, and Cholesterol

inflammation, cholesterol, heart disease, heart attacksInflammation is considered a risk and potential indicator for heart disease. Inflammation is considered an even greater indicator of heart disease than cholesterol.

Here are the facts. Roughly 40 million baby boomers have high inflammation levels, but at the same time have normal cholesterol levels. They actually have twice the risk of heart attack as people with what's considered to be high cholesterol. However for those suffering from both, high cholesterol and high inflammation levels - the news is not so good. Their risk level of having a heart attack increases by a factor of nine.

What's the heart disease connection?
Inflammation aggravates and deteriorates arterial plaque. This enables it to become fragile and increases the potential of it breaking off and causing a blood clot or blockage. This leads to heart attacks and strokes. Inflammation additionally allows free radials to thrive which oxidize LDL or bad cholesterol and make it more toxic.

Please check back for additional blog posts in this series to find holistic methods to combat inflammation.

For additional information about alternative medicine and other nutrition facts:

To learn how to optimize nutrition and learn about holistic health:

For high quality, all-natural, herbal nutritional supplements:

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Holistic Heart Month

heart disease holistic remedies alternative medicineWhether it's the color red or Valentines' day, February is designated as heart month. Throughout the month, you will see articles and ads about heart health and heart disease. It's no wonder. Cardiovascular disease kills roughly 500,000 Americans each year. Furthermore, it causes disability and pain for another 17 million.

On this blog, Holistic Health Nutrition Facts, we are declaring February to be Holistic Heart Month. Throughout February, we will present articles on improving your heart health and incorporating alternative, holistic behaviors into your lifestyle. Whether it is improving your cholesterol level, blood pressure, or preventing heart attacks, knowing how to protect yourself is key. Remember knowledge is power. Heart disease is a silent killer. Stay informed and stay ahead of the disease.

For natural health solutions for health health and heart disease:

For additional information about alternative medicine and other nutrition facts:

To learn how to optimize nutrition and learn about holistic health:

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