Here are the facts. Roughly 40 million baby boomers have high inflammation levels, but at the same time have normal cholesterol levels. They actually have twice the risk of heart attack as people with what's considered to be high cholesterol. However for those suffering from both, high cholesterol and high inflammation levels - the news is not so good. Their risk level of having a heart attack increases by a factor of nine.
What's the heart disease connection?
Inflammation aggravates and deteriorates arterial plaque. This enables it to become fragile and increases the potential of it breaking off and causing a blood clot or blockage. This leads to heart attacks and strokes. Inflammation additionally allows free radials to thrive which oxidize LDL or bad cholesterol and make it more toxic.
Please check back for additional blog posts in this series to find holistic methods to combat inflammation.
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Technorati tags : cholesterol, heart, heart disease, heart attack, cardiovascular disease, holistic, nutrition, herbal, herbal remedies, certified natural health professionals, alternative medicine, inflammation, nutritional supplements
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