There are several traditional herbal remedies that have been historically used for treatment of the symptoms of menopause. They have been reported to provide relief from symptoms such as depression, headaches, hot flashes, and night sweats. Many menopausal women swear by them. They also have been used by those wishing to cope with post pre-menopausal and post-menopausal symptoms.
Common herbs that have been used to minimize menopause effects include:
- black cohosh
- chaste tree or chaste berry
- red clover
- ginseng
For natural health solutions for menopause and womens health:
For additional information about alternative medicine and other nutrition facts:
To learn how to optimize nutrition and learn about holistic health:
SC Certified Natural Health Professionals : http://www.sc-cnhp.org
Technorati tags : menopause, nutrition, herbal, herbal remedies, holistic, certified natural health professionals, alternative medicine, hot flashes, herbs, nutritional supplements